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    Monday, March 9, 2015

    Check Out the Latest Musings by The Shoppe's Daryll B! Just Blog Droppings All Over the Place!

    Sigh.... Heart Wasn't Totally Into it Them BAM! Got Pulled In!

    Nothing Much To Say. Let's Jump Right In....
    -Don't sleep on The Simpsons. EVER.

    How's that for intelligence? Remember Futurama, which was the unofficial smartest show on television, was totally in-sync with The Simpsons of the late 90's. These little nuggets are EXACTLY why the Easter Egg section was created on DVDs and BluRays.
    -Sean Miura has a unique review of Big Hero 6

    Interesting take on the backgrounds and nuances of the film. I guess those immersed in the culture and specifically, the crossing of Japanese/American methodologies, would spot these. Related note: Fort Minor/Mike Shinoda's Kenji is in my personal top 15 rap performances of all time. I saw them perform it in Jersey with a viewscreen that had images of Japanese Americans during WWII scrolling. Then it ended off with a picture of Shinoda's extended family. A definite must listen Folks!
    -Pressure builds exponentially.....

    I like the honesty. I love the 3rd trailer that debuted on CBR Wednesday. I don't know why but this made me also a little uneasy. When you get this introspective about the project... 2 months before release... it kinda bad mojo Joss. I have faith it will be good but...
    ...these two movies have raised the bar.

    Congrats to James Gunn and The Russo Brothers for making 2 great, kick booty movies!
    Speaking of The Russo Brothers...

    Hmmm can they handle Spider-Man...whichever one he is? Well look at how they portrayed Sam Wilson aka The Falcon. That was EXACTLY how Spider-Man should be portrayed.. normal yet heroic.
    -More food for thought from Brett White....

    It is probably the thing that DC slaughters Marvel at but to disagree with Mr. White, Marvel has been doing it. They just don't have the TV presence and history Warner Bros does. BTW I am hoping that Dean Cain and Helen Slater play the Danvers Family...
    -Admire the pluck and passion....

    ...but come on. This kid didn't do this by himself. This was obvious and what exactly does that indicate about the Parents? *Sigh*
    -Warned you folks a month ago that I was ready for this....

    Wolfman sounds pumped. I know his quality and Scott's stunning art. Throw in some of my all time favorite characters annnnnnd Daryll's spending money....
    -Let's get educated...

    Talk about a class where I wouldn't fall asleep or feel like a complete outsider within...
    -Now if you want to learn about some of comics' secret history, check out this mega list:

    All the salacious details. All the drama. All the politics. Collected in one tidy link list.
    -Speaking about favorite characters...

    Never knew the history behind Franklin. This article was a fountain of information and understanding of the time and thinking of Mr. Schultz.
    -I shared this event in a previous blog. And the winner is...

    Congratulations Nilah and keep up the good work!
    -Just to keep our readers informed and laughing....

    T'Challa ain't someone to F' with...
    -I been patiently waiting and I been sorta good....

    Yes! Yes! Yes! Now I am going to be greedy and ask for a Young Avengers book WITH Patriot. (Yep I know I am pushing my luck now...)
    -So what's next for the creator of the Power Rangers short that shook up the net?

    Yeah. An aging James Bond. With hopes to tackle Captain Planet in the future. If the parody/homage is done up the way PR's was, this could lead to a web channel specializing in these a la Robot Chicken.
    -...and to end this link-blog, Joseph P. Illidge unpacks on the story that had me freezing in the cold for the show last Saturday.

    I loved the way that Mr. Illidge came at the situation in 4 different directions: Actor, comic company, distribution company, and fans. We are all complicit in the "fast food" provision of our heroes through multi-media platforms. Now, it isn't like Michelle Rodriguez is willfully ignorant here, she just isn't a mainstream comic book fan. On the surface of the industry, her opinions would probably be shared by 75% of her ilk.
    At the same time, this is where our sectors has to keep on shining a light on what independent creators of color, and what our favorite ethnic characters within the big companies are up to. It obvious that, like Mr. Illidge said, Diamond doesn't do that or rather doesn't have the time to try. Like it or not, we fans of color need to push this agenda a bit further. Get copies of Storm, Shaft, Avatar et al. in your friends hands. Introduce them to The Deep, Matty's Rocket, Legend of Mantamaji, Concrete Park, Wynter, et al. The power as always rests with us people. How you choose to use it is up to you...
    The vacuum from tragedy still hurts. So thank you for taking the time to read this. I appreciate it and hopefully gave you all something new.
    Live Long and Prosper.
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    Item Reviewed: Check Out the Latest Musings by The Shoppe's Daryll B! Just Blog Droppings All Over the Place! Description: Rating: 5 Reviewed By: afronerd
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