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    Monday, October 27, 2014

    Daryll B.'s Freshly Baked Comic Book Reviews! Right From Afronerd's Easy Bake Oven

    A whole lot of reviews.....


    As you can see, I have been busy the last 3 weeks and this isn't even all of it because Age of Ultron, Miles Morales 6, Justice League Throne of Atlantis, Rachel Rising 26 and Earth 2 World's End 1 are all being borrowed/read by others. So yeah business as usual... Next Week I finally get my hands on Concrete Park and both books of Superman: The Black Ring but now let me dive in...

    I have been telling you about Ed Piskor's Hip-Hop Family Tree and we did a segment on it a couple of shows ago. This is literally a visual early history book with book one following the notable players from the 1970's and book two hitting the years of 1979-1983. What stood out for me was the almost monopolistic methods Sugarhill Records used to stay in control over the scene and how much of a debt hip-hop owes Debbie Harry of Blondie. Definitely a must get for hip-hop diehards.

    With SpiderVerse on the horizon, I managed to get Spider-Men which was the first crossover meeting between our Peter Parker and Miles Morales from the Ultimate Universe. The plot is almost secondary in nature to the reactions of Peter to this universe and his Ultimate Family to him. Brian Michael Bendis does a great job here of scripting this and it truly can be seen as the inspiration of the upcoming multi-Spidey event.

    I can't believe that the end is coming soon for Fables and Camelot is the latest chapter of the modern fairytale meets real world story. This one follows Rose Red as she tries to organize her own Knights of the Round Table to combat future threats. And as with other ideas in this book previous, the road to hell is paved with good intentions because we see the trouble building up around on all sides. Bill Willingham certainly has everyone set up for an action-filled, dramatic rollercoaster final couple of trades.

    The completist in me needed to pick up IDW's GI Joe/Transformers Volume 3 just for the final story Black Horizon which includes Cobra-La, Unicron, and Joe Colton. The intertwining of the 2 universe in this company's iteration has been quite well done. And I could say the same about Superman: Return To Krypton, which is a collection of the Superman stories from the late 90s-early 2000s that saw Superman returning to Krypton and meeting his folks. First place I read the stylings of Joe Kelly and saw Ed McGuiness' artistic talent was through this period of Superman books. I have followed both ever since....

    I saw the second trade for the Nu52 version of the Justice League and the 2nd Valentino collection of the 90's Version of Guardians of the Galaxy for half price, so I snapped them up quick. The JL trade entitled "The Villain's Journey" chronicles a character named David Graves and his descent from fan to deadly enemy of the team. Longtime fans will catch the villain that he HAS to be based on right away. Of particular interest are the seeds that Geoff Johns plants here for Throne of Atlantis, the Justice League of America, Trinity War, and Forever Evil. I have my criticisms of his style at times, but there is no denying that Johns plays the long game better than most in the business... Meanwhile with Guardians, fans get 30th Century payoffs to what happened to the mutants of this alternate reality; or Ghost Rider for than matter; and can you say "Punishers"? Yeah, being the legacy fan I am, I enjoyed the hell out of this volume......

    Issue Quick Hits:

    New Warriors 11: If you heard the show on Saturday, you already know my feelings about Marvel cancelling the series. This Warriors vs the Eternals issue was good but it hard to read knowing that I have only one more issue left....

    Q2 The Return of Quantum & Woody 1: This marks a return to the cult favorite timeline and fan-favorite writer Christopher Priest. What else? C'mon! This is Quantum and Woody...and Woody...and Woody.... This is the type of craziness that made it possible for a "Deadpool" to exist successfully over at Marvel....

    Fantastic Four 11: Another book of mine living on borrowed time for reasons that are beyond me. James Robinson is writing an interesting examination of superheroics and family. How does one maintain the safety of their children when surrounded by craziness 24/7? When does said craziness fracture the family dynamic permanently? And what about psyches of all involved? I know a lot of comic fans don't read that much into it but I am loving it!

    Ms. Marvel 9: One of the worst kept secrets in comics is that Kamala Khan got her powers as a result of the Infinity Event and than she is an inhuman. Still the incredulous look on her face as she meets Medusa and the other Inhumans is priceless. Ah youth... she gonna learn soon enough how big of a weird world she is now involved in.....

    Earth 2 World's End 1-3: Book acts as a prequel to the events we see playing out in the Futures End series. Apokolips is on a collision course with Earth, their forces are laying waste to the planet and the heroes are already fractured. Yup this book is beautifully bleak as reinterpretations of the Trinity and Justice Society fight in vain against an end approaching sooner than anyone thinks...

    This leaves me with Avengers/X-Men Axis 1-3 "The Red Supremacy". Essentially, The Red Skull has the brain of the deceased Charles Xavier and when "incorporating" it for use, gains the tremendous power of Onslaught. So essentially he has the power to bend reality along with awesome telepathic abilities. We are dealing with House of M combined with Heroes Reborn here but it falls flat to me. Sure there are awesome mark out moments but as a fan who has been, self-admittedly, evented out by Marvel, I need more here. The second book better bolster the plot more than Havok, a "new" Thunderbolts team, and a restored Apocalypse... Yeah I greedy....

    OK that does it for me now. Comic and Sci-Fi Fans, Enjoy your week. A reminder than this week's ComicShoppe can be found here:

    Until next time, Keep Fantasizing!
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    Item Reviewed: Daryll B.'s Freshly Baked Comic Book Reviews! Right From Afronerd's Easy Bake Oven Description: Rating: 5 Reviewed By: afronerd
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